Below is a list of questions I get asked regularly. And if you have a question that is not answered here, please email me at anne-marijke@theendometriosisnutritionist.com.au or use my contact form.

Who do you work with?

I work with women and those assigned female at birth, who have Endometriosis, or think they may have Endometriosis.

Do I have to be diagnosed with Endometriosis?

No you don't. Many of my clients are either in the process of getting the diagnosis, or feel they have Endometriosis, based on their symptoms. A formal diagnosis can be helpful to give you clarity but in my programs I work on your unique set of symptoms (everyone's symptom profile is different).

I have other health issues as well, is that a problem?

No, not at all! In fact, many of my clients have multiple health concerns. When we work on the right diet for you, we take your total health into consideration. This is really important, because it is easy to tweak you diet to be right for Endometriosis and in the process worsen other health issues (if I don't know about them).

Do I have to go on a special diet, like FODMAP or become vegan/vegetarian?

The right diet for you depends on so many factors, that 'standard' diets like FODMAP, vegan or vegetarian etc won't in themselves help you. Each of us have a unique relationship with foods and when it comes to your Endometriosis, you will have unique food intolerances. One of the most important things for us to get clarity on is which foods you are intolerant to and remove those from your diet. Your food intolerances are a main cause of the inflammation that sits at the heart of your symptoms.

As to vegan/vegetarian, my focus is on tweaking your current diet, whether that is vegan, or vegetarian, or pescatarian, or carnivorous, or flexitarian, or any other combination :-).

Why do you ask me if I have or have had an eating disorder?

I have a duty of care towards my clients. For me, one of the key elements of that is to make sure I work within my area of expertise. I am not an expert on Eating Disorders. I do know though that if you have an Eating Disorder, the changes you will make to your diet can be extra challenging and could even trigger you. I ask you to let me know if you have an Eating Disorder before you sign up with me, so we can discuss it. Generally speaking I will not take on someone who is still being treated, or has been treated recently, for her Eating Disorder, simply because I don't have the skills to support you. Please reach out if you have any questions about this.

How long does it take to see an improvement in my symptoms?

Some clients see improvements fairly quickly and others see it more slowly. It takes time to make changes to your diet. It also takes time for your body, and in particular your digestive system, to start to heal. Some clients actually feel worse initially before starting to see improvements. That's why we have fortnightly appointments, so we can stay on top of how you feel and I can support you through this.

Do you offer one-off consultations?

No, I don't. My programs consist of a set number of consultations. The reason for this is that although I'll do my absolute best to provide you with sound recommendations in your first consultation, finding the right diet for you may need tweaking and adjusting along the way. I also know that the power of my programs lies in the regular follow up sessions, where you get support, encouragement and I can help you understand what's going on in your body during the healing process. I want you to get the best results possible, and I know that a one-off consultation is not going to get you there.

How do I find out about your programs?

I offer 2 programs: one to help you reduce the symptoms of Endometriosis, and one to help you improve your fertility naturally.  You can find out more about them here

What do your programs look like?

Our first consultation is all about getting to know each other: for you to get to know how I work and what I stand for; for me to understand what is important to you, what your health concerns and symptoms are and what you want to achieve. I will make recommendations for changes to your eating habits and may suggest you take some supplements as well. I will take the time to explain why I make these recommendations and how they will improve your health.  A follow-up consultation usually starts with a review of the symptoms and concerns you came to see me for and we’ll discuss what worked and what didn’t. We may make some adjustments to the plan.

Do I need to get tests done?

If I think that a test may be helpful to get more clarity on your health concerns I will discuss this with you so you can decide if you want to have the tests done.

Can I get in touch if I have questions?

Yes, you can. The best way is to send me an email: anne-marijke@theendometriosisnutritionist.com.au. I usually reply to emails within 24 hours, on business days. You can also use my contact form.

Do I come to you or do you come to me?

Neither! The Endometriosis Nutritionist is an online clinic, which means that we ‘see’ each other with the help of videoconferencing.

When you’ve made an appointment, I will send you an email with a specific link. This link will get you straight into my ‘consultation room’, without any need for registering. Online consultations allow you to ‘visit’ my clinic from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet, and you won’t need to travel.

If you don’t have internet access, let me know and we can have a telephone consultation instead. Although I find the videoconferencing option really beneficial, especially for the first time we meet.

What do I do if I can't make an appointment?

You can change or cancel your appointment from within the online booking system. Or you can send me an email.

I like one of your programs, but I don't see the option to sign up. What do I do?

I know, it probably seems a bit strange that you can't just sign up from my programs page. My concern is that the information on my programs pages is necessarily generic and broad. And your Endometriosis journey, experience and goals are very unique. Before you decide that this is the right solution for you at this moment, I'd like to have a chat with you to make sure the program is right for you. So I invite you to make a free 30-minute Endometriosis SOS Call, where we can talk about what you're hoping to achieve and what you can expect to achieve with my programs. After this call, I will email a sign up link for the program you are interested in.

How much are your program fees?

Different programs have different fees, depending on how long they go for and how many consultations they include. You can find out more about the programs here.

Do you offer payment options?

Yes, each program gives you options to pay in full up front, or in instalments. You can pay with a credit or a debit card on checkout.

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

Yes, 2 of my programs have a partial money-back guarantee: Reclaim your Life from Endometriosis and Improve your Fertility Naturally. If after the first 1-hour consultation you feel this is not the right approach for you, let me know within 24 hours and I will refund you the program fee, minus the fee for the consultation you've already had.

I have signed up for your program and am paying in installments, but I want to change my payment method.

To change your payment method:

  1. sign in to your dashboard
  2. go to your account and select 'Order History'.
  3. Find your membership order and click 'View'.
  4. Then click 'Update Payment Method' and enter the details for your new payment method.

I've forgotten my password and tried to reset it, but I haven't received the reset email

Firstly, it can take a while for the email to arrive. Because it comes from my website, it will have been placed in a queue and might not be sent immediately.

If the email hasn't arrived after a couple of hours, check your spam/junk folder. Especially gmail and hotmail are quick to assume an email sent from a website is spam.

If the email isn't there, send me an email and I can set up a temporary password for you. Email me: anne-marijke@theendometriosisnutritionist.com.au

Do you offer Medicare or Private Health Fund refunds?

Unfortunately, my programs are not refundable under private health funds or Medicare.