
In this fortnightly podcast, I discuss how nutrition affects your symptoms, what you can do to reduce your symptoms and anything else Endo related that I hope will help you to take control over your symptoms.

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  • Episode 120: How movement can reduce Endometriosis symptoms. Backed by science!
    Nutrition is a very powerful tool to manage your Endometriosis, but it is not a magic pill. To take control over your Endometriosis symptoms, there are other things you can do that help reduce your chronic inflammation and reduce the severity of your symptoms. Movement and physical activity is one of those tools, and in […]
  • Episode 118 - How can I create the best solutions to help you?
    You may have been following me for quite some time, or you may be new to me. But either way, I thought it might be nice for you to get to know me a bit better. In this episode I’m sharing my thoughts and plans for 2025 And I need your help! I want to […]
  • Episode 119 - Is this the year you are going to take control over your Endometriosis symptoms?
    This year, I want to help as many people with Endometriosis as possible to reduce the severity of their symptoms through their diet. And for February I have a super offer for you. 1.     It starts with a free Endometriosis SOS Call. You need to book and attend a free 30-minute Endometriosis SOS Call. You can […]
  • Episode 117: Would you like to get to know me a little better?
    You may have been following me for quite some time, or you may be new to me. But either way, I thought it might be nice for you to get to know me a bit better. In this episode I’m sharing a bit more about me, and about my life outside of the clinic. And […]
  • Episode 116 - How I became the Endometriosis Nutritionist
    You may have been following me for quite some time, or you may be new to me. But either way, I thought it might be nice for you to get to know me a bit better. In this video I’m sharing with you how I ended up being a nutritionist, and why I decided to […]
  • Episode 115 - If you are trying to fall pregnant and taking a prenatal multivitamin you need to listen to this episode
    Vitamin B9 (or folate, folic acid or folinic acid) is a key vitamin for pregnancy. It is recommended to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in your baby. It is also a key vitamin for the body to make new cells: blood cells and in particular healthy red blood cells, brain cells, skin, hair […]
  • Episode 114: Is vaping better than smoking when you have Endometriosis?
    Many smokers, and you may have been one of them, switched from smoking to vaping, on the assumption that is less damaging.   If you vape, or you are around people that vape, you need to listen to this episode, especially if you’re trying to fall pregnant.    #endometriosis #endometriosissymptoms #endometriosisdiet #nutritionforendometriosis #reduceendometriosissymptoms #endometriosisnutrition #endometriosisnutritionist #infertility […]
  • Episode 113: It take 2 to do the fertility tango
    Welcome to year 5 of the Endometriosis Nutritionist podcast! I’ve been publishing podcast episodes for 4 years now, and my little podcast has been listened to more than 130k times by people all over the world! I’m so happy that so many of you find the podcast helpful and I’m very excited about the fifth […]
  • Episode 112: 6 ways Endometriosis increases the risk of early pregnancy loss
    Endometriosis directly affects your fertility and increases the risk of early pregnancy loss. In this episode I explain 6 ways in which it does this, and how nutrition can help you to reduce the risk of early pregnancy loss.    If you’d like to have a chat with me about how we can improve your […]
  • Episode 111: Where does your nausea come from?
    Although it is not the most often mentioned symptom, nausea can be a really uncomfortable symptom to live with. So, where does your nausea come from? I’ll share 6 causes of your nausea in this episode.  If you’d like to have a chat with me about how we can reduce your nausea, and other symptoms, […]