
Improve your Fertility Naturally

Endometriosis is a major contributing factor in infertility.


Having Endometriosis does not mean you WILL be infertile.

There is so much you can do to improve your fertility and increase your chances of falling pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Making changes to your diet, making some lifestyle changes and taking certain specific supplements at the exact right time, for the exact right period of time, can all make a huge difference to producing quality eggs, sustain a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

If you have Endometriosis and:

  • are thinking about trying for a baby
  • have been trying for a while, unsuccessfully so far
  • are about to start IVF
  • have been able to fall pregnant but have had miscarriages
  • are over 35 years old
  • or have any combination of these

then this is the program for you.

After working with me, as a nutritionist specialising in Endometriosis and it’s effect on fertility, using my unique nutrition strategies, you will not only reduce the severity of your Endometriosis symptoms, but also improve your fertility and increase your chances of falling pregnant.

  • Your bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea will have reduced significantly or have completely gone.
  • You will have more energy, a clear brain, and less pain.
  • The quality of your eggs will be the best they can be for your age and you’ve created the best possible chance for a healthy embryo and successful implantation, whether you want to fall pregnant naturally or are looking at IVF.


When Laura signed up for the Improve your Fertility Naturally program she was already going through IVF for her first pregnancy. She still had one frozen embryo and wanted to increase the changes of a successful implantation.

Besides Endometriosis, Laura also had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid issues, all diseases that make falling pregnant more difficult.

We created her personal anti-inflammatory diet by removing gluten, dairy and caffeine. We adjusted her diet to keep her blood sugar levels even, which is a key element in PCOS, and to support her thyroid.

I also recommended some supplements to help support her thyroid function and reduce inflammation.

Her embryo transfer took place a month after she started the program, and she found out she was pregnant 6 weeks later.


Karly came to me because she had been trying to fall pregnant with her second child for a while, and it just wasn’t happening. She had Endometriosis and an auto-immune disease.

After doing a food intolerance test we created her personal anti-inflammatory diet. She removed gluten and dairy from her diet and increased the amount of plant-based foods in her diet.

She also started to take supplements to help improve her egg quality and to reduce inflammation.

The first indications that her health was improving came fairly quickly when some the main symptoms of her auto-immune disease started to reduce.

She had a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after starting the program, but unfortunately had her period  a few days later.

She stuck with her diet and supplements though, and 3 months after starting the program she was pregnant.

In this program you will adjust your diet and use supplements to reduce your inflammation; reduce your Endometriosis symptoms and improve your fertility.

Included in the program:

  • Five one-on-one consultations with me via video-conference. Your initial consultation is 60 minutes where we'll discuss your health, your goals, the process we'll follow and I'll give you recommendations on how to start to tweak your diet. The remaining 4 consultations are 30 minutes each and will be once every 3 weeks.
  • Food intolerance test to find out what foods you are intolerant to. It is a non-intrusive tool to screen your health and will help us identify which foods we need to remove from your diet to avoid triggering your immune system, reduce inflammation and allow your gut to heal.
  • Online materials that explain the various elements that contribute to fertility.

Please note that the cost of any recommended supplements is not included in the program fee.

The main areas covered in the program are:

Doing the groundwork resources
Doing the ground work

Initially we will focus on laying the foundation: finding out what your individual situation is and developing your personal plan. You will complete a comprehensive health questionnaire and have a 1-hour consultation with me to discuss your personal diet plan.

Improving Egg Quality

We now know that egg quality plays a crucial role in fertility as well as being able to carry a pregnancy to term. And that there is so much you can do to improve your egg quality! So you will explore specific supplements to improve the quality of your eggs. In you 30-minute consultation, we'll discuss how the diet is working and make adjustments where necessary.

Optimising ovulation

When you have endometriosis, ovulation may be hindered. And if you also have PCOS or are over 35, optimising your ovulation is crucial. In your consultation we can discuss specific strategies and supplements to optimise your ovulation and review how your diet is going.

Improving embryo development and reducing the risk of miscarriage

Inadequate embryo development is often caused by cell division gone wrong and miscarriage. Healthy cell division requires good levels of cellular energy (can you imagine how hard it is to keep duplicating yourself?) and we will look at ways to make sure the embryotic cells have plenty of energy. In your consultations we will discuss strategies for ensuring the embryo develops as it should and of course, see how you are going with your diet.

I'm really looking forward to helping you improve your fertility naturally, whether you're trying naturally or going through IVF.

And if that sounds good to you, take the first step: book a complementary 30-minute Endometriosis Discovery Call to discuss your fertility journey so far and your personal goals. I will explain how I can help you achieve those goals and how we can improve your personal fertility. I will also tell you if there is anything that will make this process a bit more challenging, so you have realistic expectations of what you can achieve.