Improve your fertility naturally Case studies

You may be wondering if a personalised Endometriosis diet can help you to improve your fertility and chances to fall pregnant, either naturally or through assisted reproductive services. Or perhaps you're just curious about what working with me might look like. These case studies of clients who have worked with me can give you a sense of what you can achieve.


When Laura signed up for the Improve your Fertility Naturally program she was already going through IVF for her first pregnancy. She still had one frozen embryo and wanted to increase the changes of a successful implantation.

Besides Endometriosis, Laura also had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid issues, all diseases that make falling pregnant more difficult.

We created her personal anti-inflammatory diet by removing gluten, dairy and caffeine. We adjusted her diet to keep her blood sugar levels even, which is a key element in PCOS, and to support her thyroid.

I also recommended some supplements to help support her thyroid function and reduce inflammation.

Her embryo transfer took place a month after she started the program, and she found out she was pregnant 6 weeks later.


Karly came to me because she had been trying to fall pregnant with her second child for a while, and it just wasn’t happening. She had Endometriosis and an auto-immune disease.

After doing a food intolerance test we created her personal anti-inflammatory diet. She removed gluten and dairy from her diet and increased the amount of plant-based foods in her diet.

She also started to take supplements to help improve her egg quality and to reduce inflammation.

The first indications that her health was improving came fairly quickly when some the main symptoms of her auto-immune disease started to reduce.

She had a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after starting the program, but unfortunately had her period  a few days later.

She stuck with her diet and supplements though, and 3 months after starting the program she was pregnant.


Shelley came to me at the end of 2021 with just one focus: she wanted to get pregnant. She was in her mid 30s and had Endometriosis, including a cyst on one of her ovaries, plus thyroid issues.

She felt tired, had chest pain and pain in her legs and thighs, dry itchy skin and spotting. She felt very moody around her period

She was already going through IVF.

In our initial consultation we discussed her goals, her main symptoms and then looked at her diet to see what we should change. She’d already done a food intolerance test and some of the normal, healthy foods she was intolerant to were dairy, almonds, chickpeas, apples, chicken, coconut, sesame seeds, mushrooms and green beans.

Her next embryo transfer was coming up soon and because inflammation affects implantation, we focused on removing these foods from her diet. I also prescribed her a probiotic to help improve her gut microbiome.

The next consultation was just after her embryo transfer so she was feeling a bit tense as you can imagine. She’d found that replacing chicken with fish was a good option. She’d attended a birthday and ate some of the things she shouldn’t, and noticed it made her bloated. Most clients whether doing my fertility or endo program ‘fall off the wagon’ around this time in the program. I’m always happy when that happens because they usually discover some of their symptoms come back.

And then I saw her for the 3rd appointment and she was pregnant!


Jennie was in her mid-30s when she started the program. She was not actively trying to fall pregnant but wanted to be proactive and get on top of her Endometriosis first. She had Endometriomas (or chocolate cysts) on her right ovary. She’d also had Covid twice, although we have no clear scientific information whether Covid has a long-term effect on fertility.

Jennie wanted to try to fall pregnant naturally and see if a nutrition approach would help prepare. She also had some Endometriosis symptoms she was hoping to reduce or get rid of, such as intense fatigue, anxiety, bloating and diarrhoea, heavy bleeding and pain.

After she had the results back from her food intolerance test, we created her personal Endometriosis diet. We also discussed ways to increase the amount of protein in her diet to help increase her energy levels. And I prescribed supplements to help shrink her Endometriomas.

The first few weeks in the program were tough and her diet disrupted when she was scheduled for surgery.

After she had recovered from surgery she got back onto her diet and I prescribed her a supplement to improve her egg quality.

6 Months after starting the program she fell pregnant naturally.

Would you like to have a chat about how nutrition might help you improve your fertility and increase your chances of falling pregnant? Book a free 30-minute Endometriosis SOS Call now!