Reclaim your Life from Endometriosis Case studies

You may be wondering if a personalised Endometriosis diet can help you to reduce the severity of your Endometriosis symptoms. Or perhaps you're just curious about what working with me might look like. These case studies of clients who have worked with me can give you a sense of what you can achieve.


Rianna started my program to see if she could reduce her intense fatigue, brain fog, severe constipation and her anxiety. She’d had some tests done which showed her body had difficulty absorbing glucose from her blood and her blood sugar levels were very high.

She ate what she thought was a healthy diet, but that included a lot of gluten, diary and sugary foods and was quite low in healthy proteins. She would wake up in the night very hungry and then found it hard to go to sleep. She had done a food allergy test which showed she had an intolerance to wheat, dairy, corn, chicken, banana and some other foods

I recommended she go completely gluten and dairy free and limit or avoid eating any sugary snacks and to avoid all the foods she was intolerant to. We came up with some food options that were higher in protein, especially for dinner to try and stop the waking up in the night.

I also prescribed some supplements to address some nutrient deficiencies.

In her follow up sessions we kept tweaking her diet. She found it challenging to get enough protein and also struggled to eat larger meals, so she tried small meals but more often. To help with her gut microbiome, I prescribed here a probiotic and gut enzymes.

Her symptoms took a while to improve, but slowly she got more energy and became less constipated. At the end of her program she still had some fatigue and brain fog just before her period, but her constipation was under control and she was comfortable with her new diet.


When Jennifer signed up for the program she had been battling Endometriosis since her first period. Now, in her mid 30s she was advised that a full hysterectomy would be the only option to get rid of symptoms but wanted to try to avoid this if possible. She had severe period pain, ovulation pain, painful intercourse, irregular bleeding, bloating and various other digestive symptoms and difficulty sleeping. She’d had a number of laparoscopies over the years and was taking a range of medications to try and manage her symptoms.

Jennifer had already done a food intolerance test and she was anaemic.

As a vegan she felt she already ate healthy.

In her first consultation we tweaked her diet to remove the foods she was intolerant to and to address some nutrient imbalances that are often part of a vegan diet.  We looked at how to increase the amount of protein in her diet and what to add as a snack to bridge the time between lunch and dinner. She was also going to experiment with fermented foods to improve her gut microbiome, and we tweaked the doses of some of the supplements she was taking.

In the following consultations, Jennifer started to see some improvements, especially in her gut symptoms. She found it easy to keep to her diet when at home, but found eating out challenging. In her consultations we discussed strategies to make her meals more flavourful.

At the end of the program her symptoms had improved and she felt comfortable sticking to her new way of eating.

When I touched base with her a few months after she completed the program, she told me she did well, but had noticed her hair was falling out. She realised she needed to increase the protein in her diet as that had slipped somewhat.


When Emma started the program, she suffered from terrible migraines, she had very painful periods and they were very heavy as well. She thought she was already eating quite healthy, but her diet contained a lot of foods that made her endometriosis worse.

After the first month on the program she already noticed that her migraines were less severe and she had them less often. Her period was also getting less heavy.

After the second month, when she had removed some specific foods from her diet, her migraines got even less and her period pain started to reduce as well.

At the end of the 12-week program her migraines have virtually disappeared. Her periods are manageable when it comes to pain, and the bleeding is no longer heavy. And a year since starting the program she's finding it quite easy to keep to her personalised Endometriosis diet and is feeling fantastic.


Nella signed up to the program to try to get on top of a long list of Endometriosis symptoms. Her main ones were period pain, constipation and bloating, and painful intercourse. She also experienced anxiety and depression. She was already eating gluten free and mostly dairy free. She completed a food intolerance test which showed she was dairy intolerant and that was a good push to go fully dairy free.

During her initial consultation we discussed her diet. Beside removing the foods she was intolerant to, such as strawberries, peas, mushrooms and salmon – all foods she ate a lot of, I recommended some foods to eat more of to increase her iron levels. To help reduce her pain, I recommended she started taking PEA. She also started taking a probiotic to improve her gut microbiome.

Over the course of her program she saw her symptoms improve and she was so happy when her period improved so much that at the end she was virtually pain free. She stuck to her diet and realised that that kept her gut symptoms at bay. She had times, mostly when she went out for meals, that she felt bloated again, but she realised that she had probably eaten something that she reacted to.


Natalie joined my Reclaim your Life from Endometriosis program to try and reduce her bloating, get more energy and reduce her anxiety. Besides these symptoms she had period and ovulation pain, eczema, migraines and regular urinary tract infections. She was constipated, but didn’t realise this until later in the program, when the constipation disappeared! She also had severe iron deficiency and was on a supplement that probably made her constipation worse.

After she had a food intolerance test done, we removed the foods she was intolerant to from her diet. That meant she couldn’t have pea and ham soup anymore, one of her favourites, because of an intolerance to peas. Her diet was quite low in protein and fat so I suggested some ideas for high protein foods and sources of healthy fats. I also suggested she start drinking unsweetened cranberry juice to help with the UTIs.

After a month she started to feel more energetic and her bloating had reduced. She still felt quite irritable around her period so we tweaked her diet a bit more to include more sources of B vitamins and other nutrients that help with mood.

Her next period was completely symptom-free and she was finding it much easier to eat more protein.

At the end of her program, her bloating was completely  gone, she was happy with how much energy she had and had discovered that caffeine play a big role in her anxiety so she’d cut that out.


Marnie had just had a laparascopy to remove Endometriosis when she started my program. She had been on hormone medication but didn’t feel it helped with most of her symptoms and was looking for a way to reduce bloating, fatigue and brain fog and improve her bowel movements. A recent blood test has shown some nutritional deficiencies, in particular B vitamins.

She was mostly gluten free but still had dairy. Her food intolerance test showed an intolerance to dairy as well as chickpeas, quinoa, soy, pork and chicken, cod and salmon, and mushrooms. Many of these foods were a staple in her diet, so it took us some time to find suitable alternatives, and for her to implement the changes.

By the end of her program she was no longer bloated, her brain fog was gone and her bowel movements were regular and no longer constipated. She no longer craved caffeine or dairy.

Would you like to have a chat about how a personalised Endometriosis diet might help with your symptoms? Book a free 30-minute Endometriosis SOS Call now!