7 signs leaky gut

7 Signs you have leaky gut

Most women with Endometriosis have leaky gut, often without realising it.

In a normal, healthy, gut the lining provides a barrier between the gut and the bloodstream. Only fully digested food, once it is broken down into the smallest molecules, will be able to pass from the gut, through the gut wall, into the bloodstream to be transported to where it’s needed.

A leaky gut has a damaged gut lining – with cracks or holes that allow undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to get through and into the bloodstream. Now because undigested food particles, toxins and bacteria are not meant to be in the blood stream, the body reacts to this quite strongly and mounts an immune response.

We know that women with Endometriosis have a damaged gut lining and leaky gut as a result of the combination of a genetic disposition (a vulnerability you are born with) and your microbiome (more about your microbiome in a future post).

You may not be aware of it, but if you have any of the following symptoms, it is very likely that you have leaky gut:

  1. Chronic diarrhoea, constipation, gas or bloating.
  2. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss.
  3. Excessive fatigue.
  4. Skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema, or rosacea.
  5. Cravings for sugar or carbs.
  6. Arthritis or joint pain.
  7. Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD


The cause of leaky gut is usually an intolerance reaction to food, in particular gluten (from wheat) and dairy (the protein in dairy, not lactose). This sensitivity reaction causes inflammation, which in turn worsens the leaky gut – a vicious circle.


Although your leaky gut is a partly caused by a genetic disposition, it can be healed – through food. By removing foods that we know you are intolerant to, and adding foods that heal your gut lining and improve your microbiome, you will start to see improvements in your symptoms fairly quickly.


If you are ready to start healing your gut and drastically improve your Endometriosis symptoms, sign up for my self-paced ‘DIY’ program: “12 Weeks to Eat Your Way to Less Pain”. Find our more information here.

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