Endometriosis plays a big role in fertility and makes falling pregnant more difficult. One element of your fertility is your eggs and the more you know about your eggs the better you can manage your fertility.
So in this article I’ll go through 3 myths and 3 facts about your eggs.
Let’s start with the myths.
Myth 1: when you ovulate, only 1 egg matures.
The egg you ovulate with today started its maturing journey three to four months ago. And it went on this journey with a lot of other eggs. During the maturing journey, most eggs just don’t make it, only the strongest, healthiest egg gets to the milestone of 48 hours till ovulation.
At around 48 hours before ovulation, this egg goes through 3 cell duplications: it splits itself, and its DNA and forms 2 identical eggs. One of those survives, the other doesn’t. This happens 2 more times until you’re left with 1 egg for ovulation.
Myth 2: There’s not much you can do about the quality of your eggs.
Before I explain why this is a myth, let’s get clear on what we mean by ‘quality’. A high quality egg has no chromosomal abnormalities, there is nothing wrong with the DNA. An egg with chromosomal abnormalities may fertilise but the embryo may not be viable.
The quality of an egg is mostly determined by its ability to produce energy during the maturing journey. Your eggs have little ‘powerplants’ and these need to produce the right amount of energy at the right time, in particular during the last 48 hours before ovulation, to make sure the DNA division and reforming takes place without any problems.
The problem is that Endometriosis directly affects (and not in a good way) how these powerplants work. But there are supplements that can support the energy production in your eggs.
Myth 3: Egg quality doesn’t have anything to do with miscarriage
In fact, it has a lot to do with miscarriage. Chromosomal abnormalities are the main reason for miscarriage and these abnormalities can occur during the maturing journey and the duplication process before ovulation if the egg cannot produce enough energy throughout.
So how about some facts, starting with a bit of interesting trivia.
Fact 1: The eggs you are born with were already there when you will still in your mother’s womb
How cool is that? You are born with all the eggs you will ever have, and they were already there before you were even born!
Fact 2: Endometriosis affects the quality of your eggs.
Endometriosis directly reduces your egg’s ability to produce energy. As you hit your mid 30s age also starts to affect the energy production of your eggs, but even when you are in your 20s, your Endometriosis is reducing the quality of your eggs.
Fact 3: You need to work on egg quality if you want to improve your chances of falling pregnant
And you need to start 3 to 4 months before you think you might like to fall pregnant by supporting the maturing journey, whether you’re trying to fall pregnant naturally or through assisted reproduction, whether you’re in your 20s or 30s or older.
One way is to use supplements, which is something you’ll need to speak to a naturopath or nutritionist about (why not book a free Endometriosis SOS Call with me to discuss?)
Another important strategy is to reduce inflammation and eating a personalised anti-inflammatory diet that reduces the spread and growth of your Endometriosis.
If you’d like to have a personal chat about what your options are for optimising your fertility, book a free Endometriosis SOS Call: https://theendometriosisnutritionist.online/endometriosis-sos-call/