The three nutrients under the microscope this week are selenium, garlic and coenzyme Q10.
Selenium is another powerful antioxidant and women with Endometriosis tend to have lower levels of it in their system.
It is an anti-inflammatory and helps to regulate the immune system.
And in the liver, it is involved in removing oestrogen from the body.
Interestingly, you could get the same dose of selenium as typically provided in a supplement by eating just 4 Brazil nuts a day – which would also provide you with some important other nutrients.
So, unless you are allergic to Brazil nuts, or find them too horrible to eat, the nuts should really be your preferred choice.
If you are looking to reduce your overall inflammation and improve your immune system, and Brazil nuts are not for you, you could consider taking selenium as a supplement.
The good old garlic bulb has been used for thousands of years for its healing capabilities, especially for infections and inflammation.
More recently, research into a modified version (easier to absorb, and no smell!) – Kyolic aged garlic – has been shown to reduce the spread of endometrial cells by reducing the production of ‘cell adhesion’ molecules, as well as reduce overall inflammation.
Aged garlic is a great overall anti-inflammatory.
Please note: if you are preparing for or expecting to have surgery in the next 2 weeks or there is a chance you might be pregnant DON’T take this supplement. It increases the risk of bleeding.
Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that improves the functioning of the mitochondria – the energy-producing sections in cells. It is a very powerful antioxidant.
Coenzyme Q10 has successfully been tested on migraine headaches as well as on menstrual flow. And there is some promising research that shows that coenzyme Q10 can improve the quality of your eggs so may assist in falling pregnant.
If you are considering using supplements to improve your Endometriosis symptoms, I can help you access high quality, therapeutic, supplements. Just contact me.