
Recipes that will support and improve your immune system.

So September has been about the immune system and how it affects your Endometriosis.

Let’s recap.

I started by explaining how your immune system differs from women without Endometriosis. Your immune system is triggered more easily and overreacts. If you missed the post, you can read it here.

Then I explained how this overreacting immune system causes the systemic inflammation that creates such a perfect environment for endometrial tissue to ‘settle’ outside your uterus. Read the full post here.

And last week I shared with you 5 key nutrients that support and build your immune system.

But you may wonder how to pull it all together in the meals you eat.

So I thought I’d finish the month with some recipes that will support and improve your immune system.

Now as you may know, I’m passionate about nutrition, but I hate cooking. So any meal that I cook has to be nice to eat AND super easy to make. I don’t go for fancy meals. I’ve taken our favourite family meals and tweaked them.  So if you are not too keen on cooking either, you might like these! You can download the recipes by clicking on them.


1. Tray-baked chicken with mushrooms and steamed vegetables

I have to start with this one, because based on the feedback from my clients, this is a winner!

So why is it a great meal to support the immune system:

  • It contains a good source of protein in the chicken
  • The variety of vegetables and the vegetable stock paste (you’ll need the recipe for that too – download here) makes sure the meal contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals.
  • The mushrooms are the only plant food that contains vitamin D. I didn’t write about vitamin D in my previous post, because the best way to get enough vitamin D is by getting into the sun.


2. Vitamin A soup with haloumi

Vitamin A and beta-carotene are powerful anti-oxidants, and this soup provides it in spades. If you’re dairy free, you can leave out the haloumi and replace it with a good source of protein, such as chicken, or with lentils for a vegetarian option.


3. Easy fish curry with brown rice

The tikka sauce used in this curry contains turmeric and ginger, both powerful anti-inflammatory spices. To make it a truly immune system supporting curry, make sure you use sweet potato, carrot and broccoli and you could swap the white fish with tuna or mackerel.

So 3 easy recipes that will support and improve your immune system, without spending hours in the kitchen. I’d love to hear which recipe is your favourite!


The theme for October is Gut Health, and I am running a free 5-day Gut Health for Endometriosis challenge from Monday 7 – Friday 11 October.

Your gut health has a major impact on your microbiome (our theme for August) and immune system. To find out more about the challenge and sign up: 5-Day Gut Health for Endometriosis Challenge

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