Should you take supplements?

Often, when you go see a doctor for a specific health complaint, you walk away with a medication prescription, a pill to take to make you feel better.

And as a society, we’re quite enamoured with pills and supplements.

So, when it comes to managing your Endometriosis symptoms naturally, should you take supplements?

Well, it depends.

Supplements can play an important, temporary, role in improving your health and reducing your Endometriosis symptoms, but the operative word there is ‘temporary’.

My philosophy is that food should be your main strategy. Changing what you eat and drink is a sustainable strategy, one that you can stick to for the long haul.

Sometimes though, you need a bit of a ‘jump start’.

Most of my clients have nutrient deficiencies, because their digestive system doesn’t function optimally, and they are not absorbing nutrients as well as they should.

And because of the Endometriosis, the need for certain nutrients is higher than in healthy people.

Or their diets are low in certain nutrients, or at least too low for their extra needs.

In these cases, addressing nutrient deficiencies through food alone would mean they’d have to eat enormous amounts of certain foods and it would take a long time to tackle the deficiencies. Supplements can be a good way to boost the effects of the changes in diet.

Supplements contain high concentrations of certain nutrients, for example iron or vitamin B and by taking them regularly you give your body that extra boost, that jump start that will help you to see results much faster.

But supplements are not harmless. For many vitamins the body can build up an excess and this then produces unwanted side-effects and symptoms.

Please don’t rush out to the chemist or supermarket to buy a range of supplements!

Firstly, because not everyone needs the same supplements: your unique health situation will be underpinned by a unique set of nutrient deficiencies.

And secondly, because the supplements you buy in the supermarket or at the chemist’s are not therapeutic supplements. They are produced for the masses, will contain standard amounts of the nutrients that are so low that it is difficult to ‘overdose’ and often have unwanted fillers and additives.

It is important to get trustworthy advice on which supplements will be most beneficial for you based on your unique set of symptoms, and then to take supplements that are ‘Practitioner Only’ to guarantee you get a therapeutic dose of a high-quality nutrient.

If you are considering if supplements are useful for you, please see a qualified Nutritionist or Naturopath. I’d be happy to have an obligation-free chat with you to help you make your decision. You can book a free Exploratory Chat online.

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