hot food buffet

The ‘Buffet’ style approach to managing your Endometriosis

I have a philosophy about the best approach to managing your Endometriosis. I call it the buffet style approach.

You know the food buffets you often see in hotel restaurants. I like them because it allows me to create my own meal from the ingredients that are there. I can mix and match, based on what I like to eat, what I feel like eating at that moment and what I do or don’t want to have in my diet. I can also decide how much I want to eat. And someone else can create a completely different meal from that same buffet.

I like the concept of a buffet as an analogy for how I think a disease like Endometriosis needs to be managed.

Although I am a nutritionist and think nutrition is a powerful tool to help deal with most diseases, I don’t think it is the be all and end all. Changing your diet will not by itself get you all the results you are looking for. If all you used was nutrition, you’d only use one of the food items available on the buffet.

There are so many other types of treatment that may be helpful. For example acupuncture, physiotherapy, meditation, massage, yoga, chiropractic or osteopathic adjustments, herbal medicine or homeopathy. But also medication and surgery.

The buffet to manage your Endometriosis contains lots of options. What you choose from that treatment buffet is a very personal combination of treatments. Your ‘meal’ may consist of meditation, physiotherapy and nutrition. Someone else may combine medication with yoga. And someone else may have surgery and then use nutrition and herbal medicine to manage afterwards.

Each element of your meal contributes in a unique way to managing your symptoms, and often their combination makes each approach work better.

And what I love about the concept is that it gives you control. You choose the treatments that you feel comfortable with, that work for you.

There is no right way to manage your symptoms, there’s only the right way for you. Of course, as a nutritionist, I think looking at your diet can make a huge difference, but I also know that that isn’t right for everyone.

To find your ‘meal’ from the buffet of treatment options out there, do your research. Find out what different practitioners can help you with. If it sounds useful, try it.

What treatments have you chosen from the buffet options so far?


If you’d like to find out if nutrition might be a useful tool for you, I’d love to have a chat. You can book a free 30-minute Endometriosis SOS Call where we can discuss your journey so far, what you’re hoping to achieve and how nutrition may help. Book your Endometriosis SOS Call here.

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