Should you take supplements?
Often, when you go see a doctor for a specific health complaint, you walk away with a medication prescription, a pill to take to make you feel better. And as a society, we’re quite enamoured with pills and supplements. So, when it comes to managing your Endometriosis symptoms naturally, should you take supplements? Well, it...
What does a low-histamine diet look like?
Before we look at what you can and cannot eat in a low-histamine diet, let’s see how food and histamine are connected. There are 4 types of interactions between food and histamine. Foods that contain high levels of histamine: eating these is just adding lots of histamine to your system, directly triggering your immune...
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs in 10% of women. So if you have it, you’re not alone! But I’m sure you may feel like you’re the only one sometimes So what is Endometriosis? If you have been formally diagnosed with Endo, you probably know what it is. Or maybe you think you have Endometriosis or are waiting...
Cleaning products and endometriosis: not a good combination
So what is the connection between cleaning products and endometriosis you may wonder. They seem so safe, after all, they’re used for cleaning! For improving the home we live in; the clothes we wear; even out bodies. Let’s look at those 3 areas separately and how the products you use may be making your endometriosis...
5 reasons why you should improve your environment if you have Endometriosis
As a nutritionist it makes sense that my main focus when helping clients is on what they eat. But food is not the only factor that impacts health. There are some key reasons why you should improve your environment as well. And that is the focus for this month. When we use food to improve...
Is today going to be a day you’ll remember on New Year’s Eve?
Imagine it’s New Year’s Eve 2019. You’re with friends and family, you’re toasting the year that’s been. Looking back at amazing year you’ve had. You talk about the courageous decisions you’ve made that turned your life around. The actions you took that meant you were able to spend more time just relaxing with your...
3 ways to improve your microbiome with food
Wow, we’re getting to the end of August – Microbiome month at Eat Well Live Well. We started with a look at what the microbiome is (read the post here if you missed it). In this video I then explained how your microbiome is different from others. Last week I explained how your microbiome affects...
How your microbiome affects your Endometriosis
Over the past two weeks we’ve looked at what the microbiome is, and what it typically looks like in women with Endometriosis. But why would we be interested in your microbiome? Time to explore how the microbiome affects your endometriosis. In last week’s video (you can watch it again here) I explained that women with...
Typical bacteria found in the microbiome of women with endometriosis
Last week I explained what the microbiome is: the balance of good and bad bacteria. If you missed the post, you can read it here. This week, I’d like to share with you what we know about the microbiome for women with endometriosis. Because their microbiome differs from other women and this has a direct...
The Microbiome in Endometriosis – what is it?
You hear the term everywhere at the moment: ‘Microbiome’. It’s very popular with advertisers, so you may be wondering what it is. Is it something real or a fancy marketing term? Is it good? Is it bad? What does it do? Time to get some clarity on it, as, yes it is real, and because...