
microbiome in endometriosis

The Microbiome in Endometriosis – what is it?

You hear the term everywhere at the moment: ‘Microbiome’. It’s very popular with advertisers, so you may be wondering what it is. Is it something real or a fancy marketing term? Is it good? Is it bad? What does it do? Time to get some clarity on it, as, yes it is real, and because...

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chocolate and endometriosis

Chocolate and endometriosis: not a match made in heaven

How often have you said “I neeeeeed chocolate!” – with a groan, in desperation .. When we’re tired, moody, or just feel like a pick-me-up, chocolate is often the go-to snack. And with so much information out there that chocolate is a great source of healthy antioxidants, why not? Well, if you have endometriosis you...

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Endometriosis and food

Endometriosis and food – is it about triggers or is there more going on?

I work with women with endometriosis. I help them change what they eat and use nutrition to reduce the severity of their symptoms. What I have noticed in the talk around endometriosis and food is that there is a strong focus on finding what the triggers are. Finding out what foods will lead to a...

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endometriosis story

How a friend’s endometriosis story led to a new program

Let me introduce Linda (not her real name and photo, but a real person in my life who shared her story with me but wanted to remain anonymous). When she was in her early 20s and studying at Uni, she had terribly painful periods. She went through a box of painkillers each period, and they...

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Endometriosis – should you take a probiotic?

Because endometriosis is an inflammatory condition, should you take a probiotic to help your body fight the inflammation?...

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Endometriosis and your immune system

Endometriosis has a connection with your immune system...

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Why exercise doesn’t necessarily make you healthier

The other day I was in a store when I bumped into a friend. After a chat about our kids, she said she was going to get a nice block of chocolate, after all, she was going to exercise later that day. Sound familiar ?...

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Endometriosis an oestrogen problem?

Endometriosis is NOT an hormonal disease. Did you know that it is most similar to Inflammatory Bowel Disease - not any other oestrogen related disease...

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4 Reasons why your New Year’s resolutions come to nothing and 2 powerful strategies to make them work.

Are you planning to make some New Year’s Resolutions on 1 January? Are you finally going to get healthy, fit, lose weight, quit smoking,start cooking, cut out the sugar? There is something about the start of a new year that makes us think we can make the changes we want or need; it’s the sense...

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Get on top of your period symptoms … with food.

When I still had my period (I’m menopausal now, so that time is fortunately over), my first day used to be horrible. I would get terrible cramps, that sometimes made me throw up. All I wanted to do was go to bed with a hot water bottle. And as I’m talking to women about their...

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