
December reading list: Gut health

Over the Australian Summer months I’m publishing 3 ‘reading lists’ for different topics, where I into the archives looking for articles on the topic and briefly summarise the content. In this reading list I’m looking at gut health.  Here are 7 articles all discussing different aspects of your gut health and how it relates to...

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Newly diagnosed with Endometriosis?

If you’ve just been diagnosed with Endometriosis, you may feel relieved, but also confused and overwhelmed. It may have been a long time coming. You may have seen many specialists over the years, with none of them able to tell you what exactly has been going on. And then finally, you get your answer: you...

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christmas dinner on table

How to survive the festive season when you have Endometriosis

When you have Endometriosis it can be a challenge to survive the festive season, let alone enjoy it. So I thought I’d give you some tips now, at the beginning of December, so you can be prepared – and hopefully enjoy the season. I’ll start with tips if you have not changed your diet yet to...

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Why you need to improve your gut microbiome

In this article I’m going to take a deeper dive into your gut, and in particular your gut microbiome. What I find really fascinating is that 2500 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates already knew that all disease starts in the gut. We then ignored that message for a long time, but have started to...

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Sleep, stress and Endometriosis

In this article I will look at the role that sleep plays in your Endometriosis. And because stress affects it, I’ll touch on that as well. Many of my clients have difficulties with sleep: difficulty falling asleep or waking up often, or not getting enough, or if they do, not getting the quality they want...

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The role of leaky gut in your Endometriosis symptoms

Have you ever wondered how your gut affects your Endometriosis? And what the role of leaky gut is in your symptoms? Because if you have symptoms like bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea, flatulence, fatigue, brain fog, headaches or migraines you’re very likely to have leaky gut! But first, what is leaky gut? Well, if you have...

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It’s about time I wrote about Adenomyosis because I know that quite a few of you either have both Endometriosis and Adenomyosis, or just Adenomyosis. With Endometriosis, there is endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus, often on the ovaries, outside of the uterus, the bowel, the bladder, and other organs and tissues in the pelvic or...

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Using Artificial Intelligence to plan your meals

A couple of months ago I was in a consultation with a client and we had been talking about how helpful it is to plan your meals weekly so you don’t have improvise. Changing your diet is hard because a lot of what we eat and when is habituated, meaning you don’t really have to...

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Pros and cons of taking supplements

You may have considered, or are already taking supplements. But have you considered the pros and cons of taking supplements? Often, when you go see a doctor for a specific health complaint, you walk away with a medication prescription, a pill to take to make you feel better. And as a society, we’re quite enamored...

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How to get enough calcium from your diet if you’re cutting out dairy

One of the key strategies I recommend to reduce your Endometriosis symptoms is to remove dairy from your diet (read more about why here). But for most of us, dairy is our main source of calcium in our diets, and you may be worried that without dairy, you won’t get enough calcium. So in this...

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