
Leaky gut

Leaky gut in Endometriosis: you may have it without knowing it

I want to start with the concept of Leaky Gut (or intestinal hyperpermeability), because most women with Endometriosis have it, often without realising it.. In a normal, healthy, gut the lining provides a barrier between the gut and the bloodstream. Only fully digested food, once it’s broken down into the smallest molecules, will be able...

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What’s inflammation got to do with it?

Endometriosis is not an hormonal disease but an inflammatory disease. So let me explain the relationship between endometriosis, inflammation and your microbiome. We are host to billions of bacteria, making up your microbiome. The balance of these bacteria impacts virtually every function in your body. We know that in women with endometriosis that microbiome is out...

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symptoms of histamine intolerance

The symptoms of histamine intolerance

Histamine intolerance is often overlooked as a potential contributor to Endometriosis symptoms. And there is an obvious reason for it. These are the symptoms of histamine intolerance: Abdominal pain Abnormal menstrual cycle Anxiety Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) Brain fog Cramping Depression Difficulty breathing Fatigue Flushing Gluten sensitivity Headaches Heart palpitations High blood pressure Hives Insomnia...

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Could you be histamine-intolerant?

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is the first crucial step to reducing your chronic inflammation and improving your Endometriosis symptoms. But if you are histamine-intolerant you may be blaming your Endo unfairly! The inflammation is your immune system’s somewhat over-dramatic response to foods that are not really requiring the response. But we know, your immune system...

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paper bag with vegetables

The foods that make you feel better

So far we’ve looked at all the no-no’s when it comes to your diet. The foods that I’ve suggested you remove are all pro-inflammatory and are contributing to your Endometriosis symptoms. But are there foods that will make you feel better? Foods that you should eat more of? Yes, there are! Antioxidant rich foods that make...

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Stop flooding your system with excess oestrogen from soy

Although Endometriosis is not caused by an excess of oestrogen (one of the 2 female hormones), women with Endometriosis do have higher levels of oestrogen and the endometrial tissue outside the uterus produces oestrogen as well. So it makes sense to avoid adding more oestrogen to your system. After all, your poor liver has to...

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strategies to heal your gut

6 Nutritional strategies to heal your gut

In this final post of my series on gut health, I will give you 6 nutritional strategies to heal your gut. Because it’s all good and well to understand what might be wrong with your gut and what’s causing all the symptoms, but then what? But before I do so I need you to realise...

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leaky gut affects endometriosis

How Leaky Gut affects your Endometriosis

If you have endometriosis, it is very likely that you have Leaky Gut, if you have any of the symptoms that I mentioned in this post regularly. So you may be wondering how Leaky Gut affects your endometriosis. Well, firstly it is crucial to realise that Leaky Gut means you are not absorbing all the...

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immune-boosting nutrient

The immune-boosting nutrient you may not be getting from food

So now that we’re at the end of September and at the end of our focus on the immune system and Endometriosis, I need to mention one more immune-boosting nutrient. I didn’t mention it in this article because although some foods contain this nutrient, the body doesn’t absorb it very well from food if there...

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Recipes that will support and improve your immune system.

So September has been about the immune system and how it affects your Endometriosis. Let’s recap. I started by explaining how your immune system differs from women without Endometriosis. Your immune system is triggered more easily and overreacts. If you missed the post, you can read it here. Then I explained how this overreacting immune...

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