

Recipes that will support and improve your immune system.

So September has been about the immune system and how it affects your Endometriosis. Let’s recap. I started by explaining how your immune system differs from women without Endometriosis. Your immune system is triggered more easily and overreacts. If you missed the post, you can read it here. Then I explained how this overreacting immune...

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low histamine diet

Nutrients to build and support the immune system

Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve explored the role of the immune system and the inflammation is creates because it’s not functioning optimally. “Yes, and what do I do about it?” I hear you ask. Well, the good news is that we know which nutrients play a key role in the immune system and that...

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immune system affects endometriosis

How your immune system affects your Endometriosis

In last week’s post I explained how your immune system is different from women without endometriosis. (If you missed it, you can read it here). But you might be asking ‘So what?’ Well, your immune system affects endometriosis by creating inflammation. Although hormones play a part in your endometriosis, it is first and foremost an...

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the immune system of women with endometriosis

The Immune System in Women with Endometriosis

The immune system of women with Endometriosis has a significant impact on their symptoms because it is different from that of women without the disease. If I ask you what the immune system does, you’d probably know that it helps fight off disease.  It helps to protect us from microbial pathogens, like viruses and bacteria...

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Can you improve your fertility when you have Endometriosis?

Infertility affects 30 to 50% of women with endometriosis. So almost half of women who have endometriosis will experience infertility or difficulty falling pregnant. And in 25 to 50% of infertility cases endometriosis is a cause. For many women, trying to fall pregnant and not succeeding is the time when they finally find out that...

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Leaky gut

Leaky gut? Why it is a problem in Endometriosis

In my previous post I explained leaky gut: did you have some or all of the signs? You may have thought those were symptoms of your Endometriosis, and they are caused by your leaky gut. So why should you be concerned about having a leaky gut (besides finding the symptoms hard to live with)?...

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hormonal disease

Hormonal disease or immune system problem – that is the question

Most women assume that endometriosis, like any other menstrual condition, is a hormonal disease. One of excess oestrogen production. The conventional treatment is to try to shut down oestrogen production in your body – with the pill or medication that creates a menopause-like state. There definitely is a connection between Endometriosis and oestrogen, but an...

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heal your leaky gut

How to heal your leaky gut part 2– foods to eat more of

Okay, last week we looked at what not to eat if you have a leaky gut. So, what can you eat and should you eat more of and heal your leaky gut? The first food to eat more of are those that are high in antioxidants. Let me start by explaining what antioxidants do. It’s a...

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heal your leaky gut

How to heal your leaky gut part 1 – foods to remove

To heal your leaky gut there are certain foods you should avoid eating and other foods that you should eat more of or should start eating. In this post I will explain which foods to remove. The most important food to remove from your diet are gluten-containing foods. There is a lot of ‘noise’ around...

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7 signs leaky gut

7 Signs you have leaky gut

Most women with Endometriosis have leaky gut, often without realising it. In a normal, healthy, gut the lining provides a barrier between the gut and the bloodstream. Only fully digested food, once it is broken down into the smallest molecules, will be able to pass from the gut, through the gut wall, into the bloodstream to...

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