A question for you: what do you think is the percentage of women that suffers from Endometriosis?
1 in 10!
So if it’s not you, chances are that one of your female friends, sister, daughter, mother or colleagues suffers from Endometriosis.
The main symptoms are pain during menstruation; during ovulation, or chronic pelvic pain and unusual bleeding, and it is caused by pieces of the womb lining growing outside the uterus.
It is often missed during diagnosis, and may be mis-diagnosed as PCOS.
And when it is diagnosed correctly, it is treated as an hormonal disease. The conventional treatment is to try to shut down oestrogen in your body – with the pill or medication that creates a menopause-like state.
But is Endometriosis an oestrogen problem?
Endometriosis is NOT an hormonal disease. Did you know that it is most similar to Inflammatory Bowel Disease – not any other oestrogen related disease.
This month is Endometriosis Awareness Month and over the coming weeks I will give you some insights into how nutrition can help with Endometriosis.